January Newsletter

Welcome to the New Year! I love this time of year – a fresh start and the perfect opportunity to readjust and realign both personally and professionally. And many of you know, it’s also when I choose my new Word of the Year. This word represents a concept or value that I want to deliberately focus on in the coming months. For me, resolutions and long lists of goals often feel intimidating and overwhelming.  I find that narrowing my focus to a single, meaningful word feels more manageable and impactful.

In 2024, my Word of the Year was Expansion – with a focus on growing, improving, and stretching myself.  And believe me – I was stretched last year. Kansas Tourism experienced incredible growth. As a team, we faced the challenges that come with rapid expansion, including growing pains and moments of exhaustion. Personally, I struggled to schedule time to recharge, often feeling like I was just trying to keep my head above water. 

So going into 2025, I found that choosing my Word of the Year wasn’t easy. I had many ideas and concepts swirling in my mind but just could not land on the perfect word. But it finally all came together a few days ago when I was doing one of my least favorite responsibilities – scheduling my car for maintenance.  I will admit…I am not a good car owner. I’ll put off oil changes, delay buying new tires as long as I possibly can, and don’t even get me started on needing to change my differential fluid – whatever that is!  But when my car’s dashboard keeps flashing and reminding me that required maintenance is due – I know that I can’t just keep ignoring it. Eventually it will catch up with me. As my youngest son once told me (in the pouring rain with a very irritated tone after changing my flat tire caused by worn-out tires), “Just take care of business Mom”. Lesson learned. Paying attention to those blinking alerts and timely addressing maintenance is necessary to keep everything running smoothly.  

This led me to my Word of the Year for 2025…Calibrate.   

Calibrate is defined as “the deliberate process of fine-tuning and aligning systems, strategies, and actions to ensure precision, effectiveness, and harmony in achieving desired outcomes in a constantly evolving environment.” Wow. Take a moment to read that again. I can’t think of a better word to embrace this year. 

With the ongoing growth and changes in the tourism industry, 2025 is my year to focus on being deliberate in refining programs and strategies to assure everything is aligned and operating smoothly. And Calibrate does not mean to stop growth or evolution; it means being intentional and strategic to ensure that growth is effective. It also means prioritizing maintenance – both for operations and for myself – so everything continues to run at peak performance. It is alignment. It is taking care of business.

So here is to 2025 – the year to Calibrate. And to get the differential fluid changed in my car. 

I can’t wait to see what 2025 is going to bring. 

To The Stars,

Order 2026 Travel Guide Listings

2026 Official Kansas Travel Guide

It's that time again! Would you like the ability to reach thousands of people about your destination or business for a mere $80? Be sure to purchase a listing in the 2026 Kansas Travel Guide. You can find details about how to purchase your listing here or contact Jordan Roemerman.


  • EARLY BIRD – January 1 – February 28
  • GENERAL – March 1 – March 31
  • PAYMENT DUE – May 31


  • EARLY BIRD - $80, Standard & $120, Highlighted
  • GENERAL - $100, Standard & $140, Highlighted

Don't forget if you are a DMO you get a free listing, but it still needs to be entered as a Visitor Resource.

Contact Kelli if you would like for her to come to your office for training on the Extranet.

Tourism Industry Huddle

Join us on Wednesday, January 8th at 1:00 PM for the next tourism industry huddle. This huddle will feature information on TBEX Summit Sponsorships as well as an update from TIAK on the upcoming legislative session.

Date:  Wednesday, January 8th
Time:  1:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81998428452?pwd=4oYsyExd2SweTLlp20aO3MiMEZulFl.1

Meeting ID: 819 9842 8452
Passcode: EaRt67
One tap mobile
+12532050468,,81998428452#,,,,*831193# US
+12532158782,,81998428452#,,,,*831193# US (Tacoma)

Group Tour Leads

Are you Group Friendly? Kelli recently attended the National Tour Association (NTA) Travel Exchange in Huntsville, AL. If you would like to receive the leads from her appointments please fill out this questionnaire.  

Kansas Tourism Regions

Tourism Regions

Have you connected with your local tourism marketing region yet? 

Kansas Tourism has made it a priority to market the state regionally as visitors respond well to this approach. In Kansas there are six tourism regions, and each region has an organization that represents their members. By being a part of your regional organization, you have access to additional marketing and advertising opportunities. Kansas Tourism depends heavily on these regional organizations to help direct our marketing efforts. If you are not sure what region you are in, or how to get in contact with them, reach out to Kelli Orender and she can help you get to the correct person.  Watch this video to see why you should join your local tourism region organization.

To find out when the next meeting is in your region click here.

Education Resources

Upcoming Conferences


Articles & Research

Dates to Remember


  • Wed, Jan 8 - Virtual Huddle
  • Thurs, Jan 9 - State Offices Closed
  • Mon, Jan 20 - State Offices Closed


  • Fri, Feb 7 - Gov Council Mtg
  • Wed, Feb 12 - TIAK Destination Statehouse (No Huddle)


  • Wed, March 12 - Virtual Huddle

For a full list of industry events click here.

We are continuously getting new and renewing Kansas Agritourism businesses that we'd love for you to explore and highlight in your own communities! For more information on the Kansas Agritourism Program, please contact Kelsey Wendling.

New & Renewing in December 2024

Prairie Tours & Guide Service, LLC


Rock Springs Ranch Junction City


Stay Connected
Kansas - To The Stars