• It's the most wonderful time of the year! We still need you to add upcoming Holiday Events thru the Extranet.  Now's a good time to also add any New Years, Martin Luther King, and Kansas Day events. If you need assistance please contact Hunter.  
  • Looking Ahead - We are updating our indoor sport pages on TravelKS.com.  Be sure to add any hockey, indoor soccer, volleyball, basketball, wrestling and martial arts opportunities for visitors to enjoy while they are in your community.  Click here to view the tutorials on how to use the Extranet.
  • Partner with us! Our Travel Information Centers have marketing opportunities to promote your attraction, community, or event. Check these out here under the "partner" tab. To secure your spot please contact Mona Carver by December 22nd. 
  • Check it out! The Kansas Museum Association has a new website! The newly designed digital hub offers a user-friendly platform that is easy to navigate and has a wealth of resources.
  • Did you miss a previous Travel Talk?  No worries....click here
  • For more resources check out our Industry page. 
Upcoming Webinars
Kansas Trail Talk: What Will This Cost
Date:  Tuesday, December 12
Time:  12pm CST

K-State Research and Extension is partnering with the Sunflower Foundation and the Kansas Trails Council to bring you a series of webinars. These events are for local trail advocates of any kind - from city managers to volunteers - who want to create access to trails so their citizens can enjoy the physical, mental, and community benefits from connecting with nature. To view previous sessions click here.

Register Here
What Indigenous Tourism Professionals Want DMOs to Know
Date:  Thursday, December 14
Time:  11am CST
  • Learn about Indigenous history, culture, and reconciliation
  • Discover the best ways to engage with communities
  • Get best practices and protocols for promoting Indigenous tourism experiences
Register Here