September Newsletter

Greetings from the open road. I am currently writing this month’s column from the backseat of a vehicle while crisscrossing the state on a Marketing Grant Awardee Road trip.  This road trip is something we started a couple years ago as a way to learn more about each awarded project, but also as a way to help bring attention to our grant programs.  This particular road trip, we are traveling to 22 different communities covering about 1,200 miles in four days. And to round out our week, we also fit in some time in Wichita to attend a portion of our annual Media Event.  

I will be honest it has been an exhausting week. Kansas is a big state, and weeks like this remind me of that fact.  Yet, this week has also reminded me of the diverse landscapes and beauty of our state.  How lucky we are to call this place home.  

But, above all, this week has inspired me and rekindled my motivation.  The creativity and excitement I witnessed from our six regions representatives at the Media Event was impressive.   Multiple members of the media that were in attendance made comments about the passion for Kansas they felt in the room.  And similarly, while visiting the 22 communities who received Marketing Grant awards, I was so motivated by the passion exhibited from each community.  And not just for the awarded project itself, but for their community as a whole.  This week served as a poignant reminder of the unwavering commitment and boundless dedication that define the Kansas tourism industry. You all rock. 

So thank you all for continually reinvigorating me to keep doing what we do…inspiring travel to and throughout Kansas..  It's a collective effort, and I firmly believe that Kansas stands as a shining example of the finest home one could imagine. Keep up the remarkable work, and together, we'll reach for the stars.

To The Stars,

Graham County Tourism
Diamond Springs Ranch
Southeast Kansas Museum Alliance

Marketing Grants

Bridgette Jobe, Carrie Doud and Babette Dixon were on the road this week delivering "big" checks to our 2023 Marketing Grant recipients.  Visit our Industry Facebook page to view recipient photos and click here for the full press release. For more information on grants available thru Kansas Tourism contact Carrie or the visit the grants page on our website.

Attraction Development Grants

Applications are now open and due October 1st. This grant is designed to provide assistance in the development of new tourism attractions or the enhancement of existing attractions within the State. You can view the guidelines and information here. For questions contact Carrie.

Kansas Media Event

Thanks to all the Kansas tourism regions that participated in the media event in Wichita!

We invite you to be a part of the Kansas tourism industry's "don't miss" conference of the year, October 16-18, 2023, in Dodge City, KS. Enjoy inspiring speakers, valuable educational information, and fun networking opportunities.

Register Here
Event Calendar

Event Calendar

Our event calendar is one of the most visited pages on Don't miss your chance to promote your upcoming events such as Columbus/Indigenous People's Day, Hispanic Heritage, Halloween, Oktoberfest and any Fall Festivals. 

Also make sure your event is not a website listing as these do not show up on the event calendar. Click here for instructions on how to add your events. If you need Extranet access or additional help contact Hunter.

Tourism Industry Huddle

Join us on Wednesday, September 13th at 1:00 PM for the next tourism industry Huddle.  On this Huddle Matt Hanson will be presenting on the Build Kansas initiative.

Local communities now have access to grant funding to replace aging infrastructure and make investments to position them for the future. With the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, historic investments were made in critical infrastructure across the U.S. With most grants requiring a 20% local match and a robust application process, the Build Kansas Fund helps Kansas communities prepare for and successfully receive awards. The Build Kansas Fund is a $200 million fund to help support local matches, with another $15 million of support resources to help you with technical assistance to be successful.

Date:  Wednesday, September 13

Time:  1:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 819 2566 4570
Passcode: tF7A7s
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Kansas Tourism Regions


Have you connected with your local tourism marketing region yet? 

Kansas Tourism has made it a priority to market the state regionally as visitors respond well to this approach. In Kansas there are six tourism regions, and each region has an organization that represents their members. By being a part of your regional organization, you have access to additional marketing and advertising opportunities. Kansas Tourism depends heavily on these regional organizations to help direct our marketing efforts. If you are not sure what region you are in, or how to get in contact with them, reach out to Kelli Orender and she can help you get to the correct person.  

To find out when the next meeting is in your region click here.

Education Resources


Articles & Research

Dates to Remember


  • Mon, Sept 4 - State Offices Closed
  • Sept 8-17 - Kansas State Fair
  • Wed, Sept 13 - Virtual Huddle


  • Wed, Oct 11 - Virtual Huddle
  • Oct 16-18 - Kansas Tourism Conference
  • Tues, Oct 31 - Attraction Dev Grants Due


  • Fri, Nov 3 - Governor's Council Mtg
  • Wed, Nov 8 - Virtual Huddle
  • Nov 23-24 - State Offices Closed

For a full list of industry events click here.

We are continuously getting new and renewing Kansas Agritourism businesses that we'd love for you to explore and highlight in your own communities! For more information on the Kansas Agritourism Program, please contact Kelsey Wendling.

New & Renewing in July 2023

Blossom Trail Bee Ranch Baldwin City
Long Stem Gardens Beloit
Ol Yale Farms Pittsburg
Toadstrangler Farms Rossville
Stay Connected
Kansas - To The Stars