• The brand new TravelKS.com has officially launched! And, as with any new website, we know there will be some glitches and hiccups along the way. If you see anything that doesn't quite look right as you start to explore our new site, please email Jordan.
  • Curious on how to get your information updated or added to the website?  Contact Kelli.
  • Heads-up...you may get an email and/or phone call from a company called “DTN - Destination Travel Network” in the coming days or weeks. DTN is a digital partner who works with us to produce and publish paid content on TravelKS.com that helps move our website visitors to become customers for you. Here are some details about the program.
  • Did you miss a previous Travel Talk?  No worries....click here
  • For more resources check out our Industry page. 

Date:  Wednesday, May 12, 1 p.m.

Topic: Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland will be joining us so you can learn more about the Department of Commerce and Kansas Tourism's upcoming move.  Be sure to have questions ready!  Other topics will be an update on Kansas Tourism marketing plans and a legislative update from TIAK.

Meeting ID: 893 6682 0014
One tap mobile
+14086380968,,89366820014# US (San Jose)
+16699006833,,89366820014# US (San Jose)
Upcoming Webinars
The Post-Covid Comeback by John Schallert
Date:  Friday, May 14

Join this zoom and learn the seven major steps that businesses must take to market and convert post-pandemic consumers into purchasers and how these same tactics will be critical in 2021.  If you are unable to attend the live presentation, sign up at the same link to receive a recorded version.

Register Here