The brand new will be launching later this week, so it’s your last chance to update listings and city pages before the site goes live!
Please remember to:
- Freshen up listings and ensure they have high quality, horizontal photos. The photos are not only important in user experience, but they also help your listings perform better in our display algorithms, meaning they will display more prominently. (see the old vs new below).
- Check out the new categories and subcategories.
- Add your events and festivals.
- Log into the Extranet and use the tutorial here.
- Send any city page updates and questions to Jordan.
We are doing a slow roll out for the website to make sure that everything is functional before we flood it with visitor eyes, but you’ll be seeing us communicate more publicly about the new site starting next week.
And, as with any new website, we know there will be some glitches and hiccups along the way. If you see anything that doesn't quite look right as you start to explore our new site, or you find outdated information that needs changed, please email Jordan.