• Lucas has been nominated as one of the best small town arts scene. Home to the Garden of Eden, Grassroots Art Center and Bowl Plaza, the world's "Blingiest" public restroom, click here to vote for Lucas.
  • The Flint Hills Discovery Center has recently been added to the list as an Official Community-Owned Travel Information Center (C-TIC).  This partnership provides increased access to materials and information on Kansas destinations and experiences. For more information about our C-TICs click here.
  • Kansas Tourism is gearing up to celebrate the power of travel during National Travel and Tourism Week (May 2-8, 2021) and we hope you are, too! To help celebrate, here is a  custom Kansas toolkit to help take your NTTW to the next level. The toolkit includes social media graphics for your use, interactive Economic Impact sheets to send to local stakeholders, and other ideas your team can use to build your celebration. Our office will also release an Op-Ed sent to Kansas media that will be made available at the same link after its submission to media partners. **Please make sure to click on the Toolkit PDF first for instructions**
  • Did you miss a previous Travel Talk?  No worries....click here
  • For more resources check out our Industry page. 
Virtual Huddle

Date:  Wednesday, April 14, 1 p.m.

Topic: We will be discussing the transition of Kansas Tourism to the Dept of Commerce, we will have details on how you can celebrate National Tourism Week,  Sports KS has a special announcement and TIAK will give a legislative update. 

Zoom Info: https://ksoutdoors.zoom.us/j/93058829171

Meeting ID: 930 5882 9171
One tap mobile:
+13462487799,,93058829171# US (Houston)
+14086380968,,93058829171# US (San Jose)
Upcoming Webinars
Rural Tourism Series 
Date:  Friday, April 9
Time:  1PM Central


This session is focused on using agritourism and byways! Although case studies will be focused on Nebraska and Kansas, this online panel session is relevant to all interested in Agritourism and Byways.
Disruptions Are the New Normal
Date:  Wednesday, April 14
Time:  11AM Central
The pandemic has made clear that the disruptions of the 21st century — terrorism, financial crisis, the iPhone,  political upheavals, pandemic — is the new normal. The moderation and stability that characterized the quarter-century prior to the Great Recession is long gone; frequent and volatile business model discontinuities are set to strain operating and revenue models, which were built for a very different and more stable era.
Register Here
Metrics Don't Equal Strategy: Destination Intelligence
Date:  Wednesday, April 14
Time:  12PM Central
It is the 'Golden Age' of data in the DMO industry. However, this bounty of insights and information has arrived at a challenging time; while the need for destination intelligence has never been greater—the budgets to invest in and sustain those resources have reached historic lows.