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Taking Purposeful Brand Actions During COVID-19
Date: Thursday, August 13
Time: 1PM Central
In this webinar Jeff will review new strategic frameworks and best practices used by brands to navigate uncertain times during COVID-19. In this webinar we will discuss: - An action plan based on a new journey. - What it takes to have a purpose advantage - Share best in class examples of applying these frameworks in COVID-19
All attendees will receive a FREE copy of the e-book The Purpose Advantage- as well as a take home workbook for driving your marketing and sales strategy during the COVID-19 recovery.
Our Changed World - Things Your Tourism Business Can Do To Pivot and Adapt
Date: Thursday, August 20
Time: 1PM Central
If you welcome visitors into your business, it's important to be mindful and open to the different needs and experiences of your customer base. The willingness to listen and learn from other perspectives, and then implement strategies to ensure your business continues to be open and welcoming to all groups, is what helps you continue to evolve and bring more to the bottom line.
Join Yelp's Small Business Expert as she talks about ways to mindfully consider the needs of your core demographic, while also continuing to make your business an inclusive place that welcomes people of diverse backgrounds. In this webinar you will learn
- Ways to expand your target marketing audience and thoughtfully consider the needs of that demographic - Strategies for implementing feedback to help your business serve the needs of diverse consumers - Tips and tools for communicating your business mission and standards in a way that expands your customer base